You’ve been dieting and working hard for awhile… What has caused you to fall off the band wagon with diets in the past? Define it! So we can do our best to not let it happen again. Recognize the weakness before it occurs.

For me, it’s variety and flavor! If I feel like I’ve eaten the same food all week, week after week, I throw in the towel. And, if I’m not excited with the flavors anymore, if things are tasting dull, I know I need a change.

Here are some ways I avoid this: First, adding variety as much as I can in my nutrition. I typically always have a piece of chicken and some sort of burger in my nutrition plan. Each week I prepare these differently. There are a ton of healthy marinades for chicken. My favorite is Italian dressing! Sometimes I buy tenderloins, chicken breast, or thin sliced filets. Sometimes I do bbq sauce, hot sauce, chimmichurri, or francese. For my burgers, I switch up the meat weekly. Ground chicken, turkey, pork, or red meat are awesome options. Plus the flavoring keeps me on track when I switch it from taco, bourbon, jerk, mesquite etc.

Hope this helps add some new ideas to your food. Because remember we aren’t “dieting”. We have a healthy and well balanced meal plan so define any tendencies that has caused you to fall off in the past so this time you are #Stronger!

Please share your weakness and how you handle it!