The Farmacy once said “Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.”
Do you invest in yourself when it comes to food? Are you selecting options that benefit your body? Food is funny, it’s about 95% of your health. You could workout like an animal several times a day but if your not feeding your temple correctly, helping it refuel and perform at its best; you will not get the results you’re looking for.
This cold, gray time of year in NJ has always been a tough month for me mentally. I crave warm comfort food for whatever reason. But I can’t give into this cravings daily or else I wouldn’t be able to reach my goals!! I have to make the conscious choice to make ‘good food choices’. After all, summer bodies are made in the winter!
My most recent craving was a cheesesteak!!! Oh boy that salty cheese gooey sandwich! How I’d love to go to Infamous Geno’s Steaks in Philadelphia… How can I invest and keep it healthy?? So I got some lean, thin cut Delmonico steak, cooked it with onions. And threw it on a head of lettuce. I wish you could smell it, it came out fantastic, kept my calories for the day in check and cured my cravings.
In short, take a minute to think of what you’re eating. I promise you there is a wide variety of options for when you’re eating clean. Expand your horizons and try something different!