It was a long week; early mornings, non stop days, & 2 doubles. I was pretty spent and a little hesitant about going to class because I was tired… SO glad I got my ass to class! Happy Hour Boxing was just the thing I needed to boost my energy and get those happy endorphins going. So what I was a little tired? Hitting the bag, focusing on combos and my breath made me forget all of my busyness. You know the saying “Sometimes a workout isn’t physical, it’s mental”, well this was one of those days. This class boosted my moral for the weekend. Not to mention met some new people and had a cold beer as a group after class! Cheers to an amazing Friday night workout!!! Great to see old friends there also! #BestOnTheIsland 💪🏼 … Next Happy Hour Boxing class will be 7/16@5pm.