Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Or should I say MDW! Growing up in north Jersey, this weekend for me was a state of complete happiness. Literally most of us would wait all year for this weekend so we could pack up the car, head to the sand and get in that bathing suit to soak up sun. For me it was a feeling of “bliss”. I chose that as our intention in Aerial Yoga practice yesterday and talked about it on social media (hope you’re following us on social media!!)
But anyway, years have gone by since I’ve packed up the car for MDW; instead I made the shore my primary home! MDW is still bliss for me but in a different way. It’s a time I get to see all my friends/clients from past summers! It’s a weekend to welcome new people in the ForzaFam and celebrate starting the summer in a healthy way! How? By getting a workout in of course. Exercise produces “happy” endorphins and what better way to begin your day. I hope you’re able to catch a class with us this weekend and celebrate your health!
Lastly, JFK said “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.” … I’d like to say a sincere Thank You to all who have fought and gave their lives for our freedom.
May you celebrate this MDW and feel complete bliss!