Summertime Sweat

Summertime is on it’s way here at the Jersey Shore!!! Crazy how a day or two makes such a difference in the amount of energy and bodies down. It is SO exciting tho 🙂  Anyway, this is the best time of year to try something new, get on a different program, and...


Jeffrey St. Laurent said “Now is the time because if you play small, allow your irrational fears to win, or never step up… you will miss out on life changing opportunities that you will never get back.” … As we have a rainy Tuesday morning here...
Official Grand Opening!

Official Grand Opening!

We have been around for a few years, but let’s welcome our brand new space as we come into the summer season with an OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING! Let’s join together as a FORZA FAM and celebrate new energy! We will have a free Forza Freestyle class which will...
Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

It is with my greatest pleasure to say Happy 3 year Anniversary! I am grateful beyond belief for all of our Forza Fam clients, trainers, instructors, supporters, and anyone who has crossed paths along the years to push Forza to be where it is today. “If you...

Dig Deep

Try harder… Be better… Work smarter… These words resonate in my end and instantly push me to soar past my limits. YOU must find what words create that feeling for you… The cold, dreary winter of Jersey is well on its way. It is way too easy to...

Get Focused February!

Get FOCUSED this February!!! So excited to put out next month’s schedule. We have a lot going on to mix up the wintry blues this time of year. PLUS, our Pro Boxing Coach Josh Mercado will be here every Saturday morning to start your weekend with jabs, hooks and...