5th day of Prizes&Joy

On the 5th day of prizes&joy, Erin Kathleen won Syd, one of #ForzaFam’s favorite statues from The Suburban Monk. This 2 thumbs up monk reminds us to live, laugh, and enjoy life! His happy smile can be found in studio and my home and guarantees a smile...

4th day of prizes&joy

On the 4th day of prizes&joy, Danielle Vye Larsen won a gift certificate to Kix McNutley’s!! Our #ForzaFam friends on 63rd street has package goods for sale, live music, good food & 5 bars to fit any mood!! Plus, an awesome vibe for any night of the week...

On the 3rd day of prizes&joy

On the 3rd day of prizes&joy, Katrina Segar Trainor won PhytoSport After Workout ($55 value)!!! 🎁 Exercise can be tough. Without a #healthy recovery, it can be difficult to bounce back. An ideal (2:1:1) ratio of branched-chain amino acids helps alleviate...

12 Days of prizes&joy

On the 2nd day of #Fitmas, our #ForzaFam winner: Kathy Larkin won a gift certificate to our neighbors Red, White, & Brew. Red, White & Brew offers amazing coffee & tea, plus it’s the home of the ‘FORZA’ sandwich with egg, cheese, tomato...

12 Days of Fitmas Prizes&Joy

On our first day of #Fitmas, Orange Cryo Wellness gave 3 Cryotherapy Sessions to our client Jim O’Connor. For the past 12 days, clients in our #ForzaFam have earned points or tickets by attending class, training sessions, doing at home workouts and staying on...