Yep that is exactly right- Numerically speaking this is! Don’t you know by now you are paying for value?
I received a message similar to the title of this post. And what bothers me most about it, is the comparison of our little fitness studio, which by the way is an appointment only facility, to a box gym. Our monthly price being complained about is for having a professional personal trainer three times a week for thirty minutes, with 24/7 coaching, a nutrition plan the client will be held accountable for, and a workout program to follow outside of studio. Ummm hello, it’s an entire service, scratch that – it’s a solution to staying fit!!
Now if you’re not looking for this fitness service, go right ahead to your local gym. It is most definitely cheaper. I bet they even have a coupon! Check out their cardio deck, and the circuit machines. OH and go see my favorite; the iron dumbbells. Look at their “stretching & ab area” too. But good luck when it comes to getting results… The gym won’t call if you miss three days in a row or cancel on your workout. In fact, if you’re doing an exercise wrong; that gym will stay silent! … Are you ready to push yourself when life gets stressful? When it’s shitty weather and you worked all day, are you ready to give yourself an ass whoopin in the gym enough to burn some serious calories? Do you even know how to use the machines? Does 3 sets of 10 reps sound good or what the hell is a ‘rep’?
A fitness studio verses a gym cannot compare in price nor results. Our memberships are designed to get you progress in your fitness journey, as we request you come in a minimum of two times a week to see a personal trainer. It is a FACT you will ALWAYS get a better workout with us than on your own. Our training is designed to safely get you stronger in a fun, inviting atmosphere where we we challenge you! Our personal trainers will grill you, yes grill you about your food, your water and your workouts outside the studio. We will schedule your workouts for the week and uplift your motivation for your very own fitness. This #ForzaFam is why you hired us and didn’t just go to the gym!