Or more like mid summer tired! Can anybody else agree? We are about a month into summer. I’m guessing you’ve had a handful of guests in and out of your house, probably packed and unpacked your beach cooler a few dozen times. Swept the sand off the porch and washed the same beach towels a bunch. The summer can be busy, especially at the Jersey Shore when we only have 2 months.
So we are enjoying company, seeing friends, planning fun and we are tired. We are living and it’s making us need to rest, it just doesn’t seem right. I agree 🙋🏼♀️ Its non stop busy and fun! But this exhaustion you are experiencing is telling you to think of that red street sign 🛑
Yep – S T O P! Take time to quit the planning and just simply BE! Stop running around. Sydney Harris said “the time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” Boy is she right, #justdoit … Relaxing is easier said than done. So here are my top ways of doing it mid summer :
1- Take 5 minutes a day, early morning before the day starts or at night as it ends & go for a 5 minute walk. If not a walk, sit on your porch or grass. Get grounded. Maybe alone, with a partner or your puppy, but absolutely no electronics. Disconnect. Smell the summer wind. Hear yourself breathing.
2- Treat yourself to a new mat (after you read about the best yoga mats) and attend a yoga class weekly on your busy schedule. Make this a #noexcuse addition for summer 2019. Quiet your mind and meditate with the help of a professional. You’ll thank yourself later. I bet you can find one class a week that you can fit.
3- Drink more water! According to the USDA men and women need about 3 liters daily. Are you doing that? It helps you flush out toxins, detox and feel good. I don’t know one person who does really well in the summer heat. Most are dehydrated and that causes crankiness. (FYI crankiness never helps when tired believe me I know)
4- Crank the air conditioning up, order Chinese food and get hooked on a Netflix series. Get comfy and be mindless. Give your brain a break (and your body a #cheatmeal) Just simply BE! Get out of your head and give yourself time to do the art of nothing.
Hope you find these tricks helpful and they find you energized in no time. I’m reminding you taking time for yourself isn’t selfish, it’s necessary 💛