Which is more important?
Here’s my reminder to you to keep going! #YOUCANDOIT … I know you feel better if you workout so that’s a give in to happen. The scale is a bit trickier (we’ll get into that in a bit) But which one means more to you?
Every ‘body’ is different. That makes us all unique individuals! Now some bodies respond super quickly on the scale and others physically show a change faster. There’s no right, wrong or specific reason that it happens, it just does! (Again we are all uniquely different) So don’t get discouraged if over 3 days of good eating, the scale shows the same number.
Which brings me to my next point, as females our body fluctuates water retention. Breathe, this is normal. It’s based off how much water you are drinking (which I hope by now is 128oz) but also based off of our stress levels. YAY isn’t that wonderful! So guess what, are you stressed? Well that’s hindering your weight loss just because it will cause you to hold more water than usual in your body. During my favorite time of the month of my womanly cycle, my weight fluctuates 7-9 pounds. Thank god I don’t judge myself on the scale: talk about mental games with 7-9 pounds!!!!!
“Lorelle it’s been 3 days of hard work – why don’t I see a change?” (I get this a lot) Well hello, Rome wasn’t built in a day! You have to stay consistent. This is why “diets” don’t work. There must be a consistent balanced lifestyle implemented to keep on track and strong on a daily basis with cheat meals sprinkled in. Because it is all a science, calories in vs. calories out. Give yourself time, trust the process, and damnnit I promise results will come. Believe in that! (visualize)
My last point in regards to the scale; this number does not define you. It gives us a foundation to structure your health and fitness off of. Yes, muscle weighs more than fat. The more muscle you have, the more your metabolism will burn. So in essence, we want to be heavier with muscle so your metabolic system works correctly.
I have been 115 pounds all the way to 160 pounds. Let me tell you, it’s easy to get that number to play with your head. So how does your body feel at that number? Strong? Hell yea! Sluggish? Then let’s make a change. Energetic, tight, comfortable in clothes – then go you! Not confident or strong? Well what are you willing to change to fix this?
Adjust your perspective in order to make a positive change on how you view yourself in order to stay mentally in the game of your health and fitness! #YOUCANDOIT #FORZAFAM