Which is harder? Eating healthy or working out? Choose your hard. It’s hard to be in shape and it’s hard to be out of shape. (hehe I’m saying those super nicely) Either way you have it, it’s tough! So be able to recognize your weakness from the beginning to tackle the potential downfall before it starts.
Eating healthy is difficult. Sometimes I feel like all i ever do is food shop, cook, eat, clean on repeat! Like when does it end?! But we have to train our minds to believe our food is fuel! Thinking of our food schedule like this will help you make food choices based off your goal. Questioning something before you put it in your mouth, “like will this help me get results?”
Now we got our mind on board with eating healthy by understanding it’s for our machines, so the rest is EASY if you make it. Food prep is a no brainer. You can’t get healthy and in shape without it. If this is the “hard” of heating ealthy, get out of the laziness. Designate an hour in your schedule to make this happen weekly for the better of you!
Working out is for the birds! In 2018, the number one reason people were admitted into nursing homes was because they couldn’t do a body weight squat off the toilet. #Truth Keep moving so you can go to the bathroom without hurting yourself! Your body is a machine, keep it active! Throw some music on, do it with your child, or husband, bring your dog for cardio. Make it fun is my point! Your not punishing your body with a workout, your taking that one hour to connect to it. My workouts regroup my mind, it’s a small escape from my day to connect to me. Honor that time! If that’s all mumbo jumbo to you, then you need someone to push you. If a friend can’t make it, rely on classes or personal training.
Things are hard only if you make them hard!