Whattttt?! Do I need to? Can I fit it in later? 5 more minutes!! Being healthy isn’t that big of deal. Why am I doing this?

At 530am, on a dark, chilly Monday morning; that was the conversation in my head as I waked up to my alarm. Today I had planned on attending our first session of our Transformation Program called “Fit into Fall”. It was a complete struggle for me to wake up… But I wanted IT! I had committed to a 6 week program to TRANSFORM and I wouldn’t let anything (including being a little tired) hold me back.

So fast forward driving in the dark to the studio, dodging a deer on the parkway and a few cats on the roads of Sea Isle City. Our thirty minute workout breezes by and really got me energized for the day!! But what I loved was, our semi private group pushed me. Working out next to someone who probably experienced the same thoughts this morning made me work harder. Mid rep when I wanted to scream I was comforted by having a small group around me doing the same thing. When I wanted to stop, I didn’t. I felt the need to push through for myself and my friend next to me!

Just like going shopping with a friend is more fun, the same applies to a workout! It helps to have someone to keep you accountable and also to motivate you through. You know they are doing the same as you, together it is more empowering!!

Do you feel like staying on track with working out is difficult for you? Hard to commit to a schedule? Why don’t you invite a friend to join you next time. It’s easy to cancel when it’s just you, but once you bring another party in, it changes it!