So we are coming to an end of our 2nd Yoga Teacher Training. Trainees will be graduating at the end of April after 200+ hours of work in our Registered Yoga School (RYS) through Yoga Alliance. Prior to graduating, trainees must pass a written test and a graduate class. This class will be offered for free for New members to our studio on 4/6… Our Flow+Fly Yoga Teacher Training is super unique in the fact hat we teach traditional floor yoga and also Aerial! Learning the foundations of traditional Hatha Yoga and some Iyengar gives trainees the opportunity to enhance their Aerial practice.
Always wanted to try Aerial Yoga? Our YTT graduate class is the perfect opportunity! This class is catered to beginners. We introduce you to the swing, guide you through meditation, and give you the chance to get comfortable with inversions! It’s basic, it’s simple, and the chance to start your Aerial practice.
Hope to see you there!! Any questions about our teaching program, please check out this.