On 11/11 I trained with one of the best in the biz, one of my favorite athletes of all time, a motivator and mentor; the one and only Steve Weatherford. He led a group of us through an outdoor workout along the Hudson. The city was the backdrop for this very chilly morning in Jersey. Despite the cold, he not only lead us eager Weekend warriors, but he performed the cardio full body workout too! Weatherford spoke about grinding & fighting through daily, that the hardest part is showing up. He pushed the group to embrace a confident mindset of mind over matter. As a group of strangers met for this morning sweat, Weatherford stated to come out of our comfort zone because that’s the only way we grow.
We then went over to the local New York Sports Club in Hoboken. Weatherford planned a “back & bi’s” workout. In a crowded gym, we performed as a group and motivated each other. It felt like we were a team as we enjoyed weight training on a Saturday morning.
I admire Weatherford’s goofy yet motivating attitude toward working out. He preached to embrace the grind and to do it for you, do it to feel good! This was an unbelievable experience to train with one of your favorite athletes. Recently Weatherford was on the cover of Muscle&Fitness but he is the former New York Giants kicker. Please learn more about one of my favorite athletes here.