Jeffrey St. Laurent said “Now is the time because if you play small, allow your irrational fears to win, or never step up… you will miss out on life changing opportunities that you will never get back.” … As we have a rainy Tuesday morning here at the Jersey Shore, I reflect on how to get all walks of life to keep moving. In my opinion, fitness has taken a trend lately to portray this image of having the perfect looking body, and adorable workout (I’m seeing the instagram videos play in my head) BUT let’s get realistic, fitness is just like the various body types out there. Fitness comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. At the end of the day, fitness is about your health… It’s about how YOU are moving!

NOW is the time to start… “A body in motion stays in motion”. We want to keep moving as long as we can. I urge you to step up and move!